

Deadlines Schmeadlines was created and is updated (whenever it occurs to her to do so) by Nutty, a newspaper sub-editor in her mid-twenties who never remembers to comb her hair.

Most of the time, she really doesn't have the time to maintain this little project, but besides being an attention-whore, she quite enjoys writing, and she takes full opportunity to draw herself skinnier than she really is. She realises there are way too many commas in that sentence.

When she's not staring at a computer screen for work, she's staring at a computer screen for fun.

She loves, in no particular order, long walks on the beach, big juicy burgers that don't quite fit your bite, reading in bed, fruity-scented shower gels, ballpoint black pens, lolcats, coffee, finding money in her pockets and one particular koala bear. (Again with the commas.)

She made this 'About' page just for you.

Comments, suggestions, questions, love declarations and/or offers of free money may be directed to

1 comment:

  1. Damn it, I love commas.

    You're witty, artistic and (I hope?) STill in the UK.

    This makes you like me, unlike me (oh how I wish I were artistic) and then like me again.

    So that's, like, 66% like me and aren't you lucky? Go ahead and enjoy it a for a mo. I'll wait.


    Hokay, if you're still in the UK I must know where so that we can meet for coffee and/or juicy burger sometime (ideally served by a hot Spaniard in a loin cloth, though it has been my experience that they are rather difficult to come by in the UK).

    (But I keep hoping.)

    Very pleased that you began blogging and that you found me.

    I know, I are you.


    - B x
